Glossary of Key Terms

If you're not familiar with Whippy, read this glossary to understand the concepts that underpin our core functionality.


An Organization is the term we use to encapsulate an account in Whippy. While a user can have access to multiple Whippy Organizations an API Key can only access data from one organization. You can think of an Organization as a top level tenant under which all other data sits.


A channel refers to any method of communication, for example, you might communicate with you contacts via Phone, E-mail or WhatsApp. The "phone" channel type is used to represent SMS, MMS and Voice Calls. User's can have access to different channels in Whippy, which controls what methods of communication they can use with the Organization's contacts


Whippy users are people in your Organization who can access your channels and contacts to start and respond to conversations.


In Whippy a contact is anyone that you can communicate with. The base contact model contains fields for Name, E-mail, Phone Number, Address, Birthdate and Preferred Language. Phone numbers and email addresses are unique, so you cannot have two contacts with the same email address or phone number.


A conversation is used to group together messages and events. For example this could be an email thread or a am SMS or WhatsApp chat. Conversations can be assigned to specific users or teams and all conversations must contain a channel where messages are sent to and from e.g. and email address or a phone number.


A message is a form of text communication that can be sent as part of a conversation e.g and SMS. Messages may also contain attachments e.g. MMS. A message can either be automated or sent by a Whippy user. Automated messages include message that come from the API, Sequences or FAQ Bot or any of our other workflow automation products and features.


A Campaign is collection of the same or similar messages. Campaigns are frequently used to take one message and sent it to many contacts in order to be able to track some outcome. For example, you may run a marketing campaign to offer a new product that is on sale. You don't want to send each message one by one, and you want to be able to track who responded, who unsubscribed and who clicked you link. Whippy campaigns let you take any of the channels you have in your organization and bulk send a message to your defined group of contacts.


In Whippy a Sequence is the word used to define an automated communication workflow. With a Sequence you could build a something as simple as a workflow that sends follow up messages to your contacts if they don't respond, or something as complex as a chat bot to collect information or automatically qualify you contacts.