List Sequence Contacts

Lists sequence contacts based on filters.

Common filters are limit and offset.

Receives filters as query string parameters.

Filter options are:

  • status - will return sequence contacts with the given status. Can be one of: pending, active, inactive, moved, complete, removed.

  • step_ids - will return sequence contacts that belongs to the given step IDs. Step ID's must be separated by comma.

  • responded (true/false) - will return sequence contacts that responded to the sequence.

  • unsubscribed (true/false) - will return sequence contacts that unsubscribed after the sequence.

  • clicked_link (true/false) - will return sequence contacts that clicked a link from the sequence.

The filters can be grouped, which allows users to get, for instance, all contacts
that responded to a sequence and clicked on a link, or contacts that completed a sequence

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